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Contest software

Dear contesters.
We did our best to ensure that the best-known contest logging software are supplemented with patches that support the rules of this contest. Contest logging software that currently support the Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest are SD by EI5DI, DXLog by 9A5K, N1MM, GenLog by W3KM and UcxLog by DL7UCX. These loggers are available for download from the sites which are linked on the right side of this page. Loggers are currently free of charge and you can inform yourself visiting developer sites, with all you need to install and use logging software.


For N1MM+, users need to download the file "TESLA_VHF.udc" from official contest logger site.  The udc file must be saved into "N1MM+/UserDefinedContests/" With simple Notepad editor must be replaced at the bottom of the file, string "IO93" with your own QTH locator (first 4 elements). Call history file must be saved into subdir "N1MM+/CallHistoryFiles/" Call history file can be downloaded HERE. Thank's to Karli S52AW & Vinko S53F for creating call history file to support this contest.

Organizer updated call history file with latest data (last update 09.03.2022).


TR4W logging software is available for download from

Just install it and select "TESLA" contest.

Last year, Valery UR7QM sent us initial.ex file for TESLA  contest under TR4W (call history) which is valid for this year also. You can download this file from which is zip file. Be careful with call history. Yet it is only an aid. Listen carefully to who you have a QSO with. Thank's VALERY.


DXLog software is also supporting this contest. For  older versions of DXLog there are 2 files to download from this page. TeslaMemorialHF.txt and TESLA_db.txt . TeslaMemorialHF.txt file should be saved into "Contests" subfolder of DXLog software dir and TESLA_db.txt must be saved into subfolder "Database". Restart DXLog and that's it. Thank's to Dragan YT7M for helping us and also thank's to Dragan YT3W who developed this file needed by DXLog software which calculates points according to the contest rules.

To download latest  version of DXLog which is free go to .Tesla Memorial Contest is included in DXLog's standard installation. No extra installation, files etc. are required.


Don't worry about calculating contest score. Robot wil do all calculations. Much important is to have accurate cabrillo format to be uploaded after contest.

We take this opportunity to thank the software developers for their  understanding and help they provided, adding support in above mentioned software in order to make the contest successful.

Contest committee
Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest




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TM HF CW contest
2024-03-09 18:00 UTC
2024-03-10 05:59 UTC
Countdown expired.

Support the contest

N1MM Contest Logging Software
SD by EI5DI Contest Logging Software
DXLog by 9A5K Contest Logging Software
GenLog by W3KM Contest Logging Software
UCX Log by DL7UCX Contst Logging Software